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Articles - Relationships and Dating
Rob July 8th 2012 10:48 PM
How to begin dating By Barbara (Unbreakable♥) When you’re looking to date someone there are tons of articles and stories about how to talk to your crush or how to ask someone out. What you don’t see very often is what to do before all of that. Meeting other people When you’re first looking to date you have to meet people in order to see what type of person you’re attracted to or not attracted to. You might care about looks, personality, beliefs, or basically anything that makes a...
MechanicGodCreation May 22nd 2009 03:51 AM
Breaking Up By: MechanicGodCreation and Katrina In the midst of a breakup, we've all felt as though there is no one else out there who has ever experienced such heartbreak. You may feel as though life is forcing you to start over, but reassure yourself that in time, things will be okay - there are people out there who have been through this before and are willing to help. Though breakups are often very difficult to deal with, time will may not heal you, but it will certainly help you to...
Katrina March 24th 2009 12:01 PM
Maintaining Long Distance Relationships Written by: Katrina Long distance relationships are becoming quite common these days. As the relationships are becoming more common, so are the questions about them and how to keep them going good and strong. A lot of people say that they are difficult to maintain, and those who say so are indeed correct. Though long distance relationships can be hard to keep strong, one must keep in mind that anything is possible when effort is present....
devs711 March 2nd 2009 05:41 PM
The Relationship Game Written by: devs711 Here is my long awaited (or not so awaited) sequel to my article from a while ago entitiled "The Dating Game". OMG! You have a boyfriend/girlfriend! Congratulations!!! Now, I would love to tell you that the hard part is over, but, to be honest, I would be lying. Relationships can and usually will test your inner thoughts and emotions. In order to keep it all going smoothly, you are going to have to be completely steadfast on what you want...
Katrina January 21st 2009 07:47 PM
Healthy Relationships: The Fundamentals by Jer Relationships sure are awesome! You meet someone--at a party or school event--and start talking, get to know them a little, and pretty soon you're thinking, “Wow, this person is really cool. I think I want to spend more time with them.” So you end up going on a couple of dates, or just hanging out for a while. One thing leads to another, and suddenly you're “together.” Excellent! Congratulations. However, from the first moment you set foot...
devs711 January 9th 2009 11:28 PM
The Dating Game Written by: devs711 This is my guide as to how to navigate "the dating game". DISCLAIMER: Please remember that this is a guide based on reading many threads, hearing stories, and personal experience. It is by no means conclusive. Also, every girl, guy, and situation is different. These are general guidelines. It is up to you to customize it to fit your needs. Now lets get started! You like someone! "Huh? wait, oh god. AHHHHH!!!! What do I do????" If that is remotely...

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