Welcome to the April edition of the TeenHelp Newsletter! Join our mailing list to receive community announcements and events, and our quarterly Newsletter.
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It's been a busy few months on TeenHelp; catch up on what's been happening below.

TeenHelp's self-love week (8th - 14th February)

TeenHelp's self-love week coincided with Valentine's week to remind ourselves that the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. We designed seven days of self-love activities to encourage healthy habits and improve the way we feel, because investing time in yourself every day goes a long way. If you missed it, here are the activities we featured; why not have a go this week!
  • Do something you enjoyed doing as a kid.
  • List three to five positive adjectives you identify with.
  • Write a (kind!) letter to your past, present or future self.
  • Celebrate your successes and create an achievements folder. 
  • Wear something that makes you feel good.
  • Buy yourself a treat.

Self-harm awareness: win a pack of skin-safe tattoo markers (22nd - 29th March)

Self-harm is one of the many areas TeenHelp offers support with. Drawing on your skin is a popular alternative that allows for both artistic expression and grounding.

To observe Self-Harm Awareness Month, TeenHelp held a contest between 22nd - 29th March for our users to win a pack of skin-safe tattoo markers.

We're pleased to announce that the contest winner is Emmie (Golfing girl).
Well done Emmie, and thank you to everyone who took part.

World Health Day (7th April)

Health comes in all shapes and forms, from how we live every day to many complex and hidden disabilities. Knowing more about our bodies and others can help us to practice healthy habits, manage health conditions and get the support we need. For World Health Day we encouraged our users to try the following:
  • Take time to learn about conditions you're less familiar with - Here are some health conditions to get you started.
  • Practice daily habits to prevent issues or improve your health, such as good nutrition, exercise and proper sleep.
  • If you feel comfortable, share your experiences with others so they know what you're going through.
  • If you're curious, ask questions sensitively to understand others better and let's be more open to talking about our health.
  • Join a discussion in our General Health forum, Disabilities forum or Chat Room.
  • Get Advice and support on whatever health issue you're facing - you will be met with compassion and thoughtfulness.

Earth Day (22nd April)


Look around and you'll see a beautiful planet. Throughout the whole year, TeenHelp is emphasising connecting with nature for your mental health.

What does Earth Day mean to you? Come along to our Earth Day discussion and share your thoughts if you want to.

Latest articles

Bic Body Mark Temporary Tattoo Markers: A review

Many people choose to draw on their skin, for fun, artistic expression or as a self-harm alternative. Read the review to see if the Bic Body Mark Temporary Tattoo Markers are something that you'd like to try for yourself!


TeenHelp Tips

Three eco-friendly ways to water your plants

by Cassie (hocus pocus)

Do you keep plants in your home or your garden? Their beautiful, vibrant colors can be a reward for the care you provide for them. Here are a few eco-friendly ways to water your plants.
  • Use rainwater to water your plants. Next time a storm is in the forecast, place a bucket, bowl, or pot outside. Use this water when it is time to water your plants again. Check rules and regulations in your location pertaining to collecting rainwater. It is not recommended in all areas.
  • Reuse your pet's excess water. Before cleaning your pet's water bowl, collect old water to use for your plants. If you have several bowls to clean, dump the water in a bucket, pot, or other container. If you have fish tanks and are due to change the water, the dirty water can be used for plants. In fact, fish waste present in the water can be a healthy additive for plants.
  • Try your "waiting water". Does it take a while for warm or hot water to reach your faucet while waiting to shower or wash your hands? While waiting, collect this water for your plants. If we all did this more often, we would rarely have thirsty plants.Having a to-do list and a planner handy will really help at keeping yourself organized when it comes to your goals, as well as anything else you have to get done.

Picture of the Month

Photo by hocus pocus

Recommendation Corner

Mobile app: Amaha
Available on: Android, iOS
Description: Amaha is designed to be your mental health partner to help you deal with stress, anxiety, depression, anger management, living happier and sleeping better. It has daily activities to relax the mind and raise awareness of your thoughts and patterns. Although the app has Premium features, there is plenty of free content including a mood tracker, daily journalling, meditations, articles, and different exercises such as affirmations, grounding techniques and thought analysis.

Mobile app: MyPossibleSelf
Available on: Android, iOS
Description: MyPossibleSelf is like a mental health companion which focuses on improving your general well-being through various forms of of content. The app is full of interactive tools and coping strategies to help with anxiety, depression, stress, sleep, healthy eating, coping with loss and much more. There are plenty of resources to explore in this app including a mood tracker, articles, podcasts, videos, quizzes, recipes, music, and it's all completely free!

Looking ahead

TeenHelp's 25th anniversary is taking place on 13th July. Tell us what your favourite part or memory of TeenHelp is!
Would you like to get involved?

TeenHelp is run entirely by volunteers who give their time and experience to make everything we do happen! We are always looking for new volunteers to help out, in roles ranging from mentoring to writing. If you have a few hours a week to spare then why not give it a go, your contribution could make a massive difference to TeenHelp and the young people we support on a daily basis.
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