Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Idk if im pregnant
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CorrieUSMC Offline
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Re: Idk if im pregnant - March 10th 2013, 10:01 AM

Anytime you engage in unprotected sex, there is a chance of becoming pregnant. Even with the "pull out method" there is still a chance, like you said with precum. Especially if you engaged in sex multiple times in a single evening using the pull out method. We can't tell you if you're pregnant or not. However, the quicker you take the "morning after pill" the more effective it will be at its job, the longer you wait, the more chance of becoming pregnant becomes. In about two weeks time after the date you engaged in unprotected sex, I suggest going to buy a couple pregnancy tests and check. THat is the only way is too buy the actual test. Remember, it only takes 1 time to get pregnant. I hope the best for you, and welcome to the site.

Take care,