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Phantom_Girl Offline
Actual Disney Princess
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Name: Meg
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My Jacket (poem) - March 19th 2013, 02:40 AM

I wear my jacket all the time.
And people always wonder why.

And I tell them why I do.
I say "Okay, I'll tell you.

I wear my jacket all the time
Because it keeps me warm.
It's keeps out things,
So many thing,
Like the rain, the wind, the storm.

And it keeps my safe,
And holds me tight,
I wear my jacket all the time.
Morning, noon, and night.

People only hurt you,
But jackets hide your pain.
They hide the scars,
The brutal scars
The scars from all the rain.

A jacket holds me tighter
Then a person ever will.
My jacket is my only friend.
Jackets will never kill.

Jackets will never leave,
But a person would.
And they do,
They always do,
Leave you in the dust for good.

Jackets keep you out of the dust,
And protect you day by day.
A jacket is there,
It will always be there.
It will never go away.

Once you put it on,
It always stays the same
It never moves,
It never moves,
It never toys or plays dumb games.

That's why I wear my jacket
All the live long day.
Because unlike all the people I trust,
It won't hurt me or run away."
Just a random poem I came up with. I think the meanig behind it is pretty clear. But in case it isn't: It's staying how jackets are better then people. People leave you, jackets stay. People hurt you, jackets protect you. I wear a jacket every day, even when it's hot. Because I know it will protect me, love me, care about me, and hold me tighter then a person ever will.

Hope you like it! Sorry if the rhymes were forced.


Last edited by Phantom_Girl; March 19th 2013 at 03:24 AM.