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riceballs Offline
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Name: Emma
Age: 24
Gender: Female

Posts: 8
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Join Date: April 28th 2013

Unhappy family jokes about cutting.. - April 28th 2013, 03:30 PM

Well, my first cut was in the beginning of grade 7, so 2011. And all of my friends went through a huge depression state at the same time for a couple months. It was great because we could all lean on each other in times that we needed, and everyone knew what the others were going through, you know?

So early 2012, I used to tell my mom when one of my friends were cutting, and needed me to just go over to their house and comfort them. She happily obliged. So I would go there, and on the way over to one of my friends houses, she asked me if I cut, because she didn't know that I do. I obviously lied and said no, because I don't know what she would do..

Last night at the dinner table, we were talking about how warm it has been where I live lately, because there was snow everywhere, then now, its like.. spring! *get on topic emma, jeezus*

Sorry, so anyways, my sister and I are gonna go for a walk later today to get some ice cream from a little shak that sells good food there later today, its definitely shorts weather, but my sister says that she doesn't like wearing shorts until its june. My mom then proceeded to say "What do you cut or something?" and then my dad started laughing.

Now there's no way in I can tell my parents about SH.. What if she laughs at me. What if she tells me that my life is too good to cut, and that I have no reason to.. She doesn't even know why. I cut as a punishment to myself when I get really anxious, or upset about something little.. So.. she wouldn't understand. I'm just really torn up, and I need help & someone to talk to..

i'm fine, but i'm just not happy.