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brighteyes14 Offline
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Unhappy Culture Shock and Anxiety - October 2nd 2013, 11:41 AM

I am an American who came to a foreign country about a week and a half ago for a few months and I think I am having culture shock. I was alright until yesterday, when I had a very bad day, and now today I can't stop crying.

I don't speak the language here yet, have no friends, no family, and I am living in a very small village. The host family I am staying with is nice, but they always speak in their language, and don't really accept me. They never tell me what they are doing unless I ask, and don't make an effort to include me a lot. Everything keeps going wrong and I want to leave. I don't know why I even chose this country, because I wanted to go to a different one, and it feels like I am wasting my time, but my host family wants me to stay for at least 3 months, preferably longer.

I also had a similar situation with college last year (where I went to one I didn't want on a whim) and was miserable the whole time. I don't have much money to fly back to the USA for visits and I might not even be able to go home for Christmas. The closest city where I could meet people is 20 minutes away and I would have to have my host family drive me. The only things to do here with my free time are either go hiking by myself or sit in my room by myself and go on my computer. I have tried skyping with my family, but the time difference makes it stressful, and difficult. Plus I don't want to burden them with the fact I already hate it here.

I only think about leaving this place, and I don't even want to learn the language at this point. I am extremely stressed and I have even started skipping eating from lack of hunger. Last year while depressed at school I developed a condition where my stomach has issues digesting food from too much anxiety and stress, and I don't want that to get worse. PLEASE HELP I AM DESPERATE.