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Re: Culture Shock and Anxiety - October 3rd 2013, 03:35 AM

Hey there,

Can you try talking to your host family and ask them to include you in more activities? I know it feels like they aren't accepting of you but maybe they are just trying to let you get adjusted and don't want to push anything on you. It is possible that if you were to talk to them about you concerns and you desires to meet people and stuff like that they would be willing to help you with that. They offered to host you so they must know that that included showing you around their country and helping you meet people and stuff like that. Try befriending them because I am sure they would be willing to accept you. This is probably a new experience for them too so all of you can learn together.

I think it would also be beneficial if you could try and talk to your family on a more normal basis. I know you have reasons why you haven't been contacting them as much but I think if you had a schedule in regards to talking to them it would help with the adjustment.

I really hope that this helped and if you need anything please feel free to message me.