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yesterdayszombie Offline
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Re: How are you beating Self Harm? - October 29th 2013, 03:14 AM

I have found a few ways that helped over the years. I went quite a while without, thanks to the following, and gained a little bit more confidence about the whole deal.

1. Wearing a fingerless glove all the time. The inability to fully feel things with this hand will make you have a rather interesting sensation when you take the glove off. Especially interesting is washing your hands, touching things with rough textures, or touching soft things. I take my glove off and run my hand lightly along the walls when I get urges. It's fun, and if you do it right, it is a really cool fashion statement.
2. Taping paper to the wall, then using colors to express your emotions. I would put a key for colors that equal emotions, but it's really your choice. For some people, the color yellow is happy and friendly, while to others, it's nervous and cautious. It really depends on how you feel.
3. Searching funny things on Google images, or Bing images. You can lose yourself in the things, and really, how can you not laugh or smile at that stuff?