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Name: Trish
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Re: My friend has anorexia - February 14th 2014, 02:22 PM

Hey there,

I think that it is great that you are concerned for your friend. It shows a great deal that you are a very sweet person.

Your friend has to realize that with anorexia come lots of really bad consequences. I'm not saying she chose to have this disease, because my no means does anyone choose to have an eating disorder. It still comes with things that aren't good. You could always Google that list and show it to her.

Also let her know that starving herself actually can have the reverse effect. Her body is bound to get hungry, and when you cut off the bodys food supply and then you give it food, because it needs it, it is going to store that food because it fears that it isn't going to be given it again for awhile. This can actually cause her to gain weight.

You could suggest that she talk to a school counselor or any other trusted adult in her life. That could be a teacher, a friends parent, anyone she trusts. It is important to have others to help and support you that have access to other resources she might need. If she refuses to go and doesn't make any head way, then I would suggest talking to her parents. She may get mad at you for a little while, and that is okay. You have her best interest at heart and she does need to get help.

Also have you looked at speaking to someone about the stuff you are going through it could really help. I wish you luck with all you endeavors.