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  (#7355 (permalink)) Old
Kintsukuroi. Offline
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 30th 2014, 01:24 AM

1) I liked it so much better when you weren't here, and I only dealt with your shit when you called but now that you're home you're driving me insane. I can't handle this. Blah. It's the same old crap so stop repeating it.

2) I thought I saw you today in the window watching me, I completely lost it and had a panic attack. Why do I see you when I know you're gone and never coming back. Please leave my mind forever, I don't ever want to see you again..anywhere.

3) so much for never leaving, guess I meant nothing to you. no more replies, no talking. Guess I should work on distancing myself from everyone to spare me the hurt of everyone eventually leaving.

4) you are driving me batty, you bitch at me for not helping out more so I put all the send all the laundry down the chute to be sorted and vacuum and tidy up a little bit then I get in trouble because I'm taking the housekeepers job?!? Fine. I won't be helpful unless you ask. So sorry you're always working and never home. Well guess what? You miss a lot of crap going on, so next time you botch at me for taking L out to celebrate getting on the elite team, MAYBE THINK THAT YOU SHOULD GOD DAMN MAKE TIME IN YOUR SCHEDULE TO TALK WITH YOUR KIDS AND HECK MAYBE ACTUALLY TAKE THEM OUT WITHOUT IT BENEFITING YOU. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I will do the best I can, and you just don't bitch at me

5) I'll miss you
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