Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
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CoffeeFan15 Offline
Cold Fire
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Name: Willis E.
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Re: Screaming thread. - August 3rd 2014, 03:20 AM

Whelp, this is all one big fucking mess. My dad somehow managed to break his foot by jumping off of a dock like a fucking idiot, so now I have to cater to his every need. That includes bringing him food, making him coffee, and packing his god damned STUPID wagons that I don't give a shit about. Seriously. He sells so many fucking wagons that my mom and I have to drive AN HOUR north to our warehouse just to pack his stupid fucking merchandise. We spend six or seven hours moving parts, taping boxes, and carrying heavy-ass sleds around a warehouse. When we finish, we finally get to go back home, but there's another hour of driving in between us and home. When we finally get there around midnight, guess what he did? He sold THREE MORE. That means that we get to wake up the next morning and drive all the fucking way back, only to find out that we're out of a specific part, so WE CAN'T EVEN PACK THE FUCKING THINGS. We go back home, and we end up driving two hours for nothing. If that wasn't bad enough, I think I forgot to mention that I have to empty his fucking PISS JAR three times a day. All this while he's bitching at me about being too hot, too cold, too WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS. Plus, I have to finish my accelerated course that he's making me take over the summer so I can be "more in tune with my academic skills", whatever the fuck that means, but between the wagons, the piss, and his random whining, I've no time to actually get shit done. I'm supposed to be taking Calculus 1 in September, and I'm not even halfway through Precalculus. This doesn't even factor in the persistent depression that my mom's had since March when both her parents suddenly dropped dead, which makes her into some kind of fucking beast who needs to slaughter anything happy, cheerful, or not bad anywhere in my family's life. This entire fucking year has been one giant shit sandwich. I don't know how much more I can take.

Murphy's Law takes a snafu and turns it way past fubar.

Making music is a double-edged sword. I'm content while I make it, but I'm disheartened when I compare it to what other people make.
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