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SamMarie Offline
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Name: Sam
Age: 29
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Location: Pennsylvania, US

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University and boyfriend? - October 28th 2014, 03:18 AM

I currently go to a community college and my boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. In fact, we both go to a community college (a local college). I'm deciding on go to a University to finish my bachelor's degree. That means I'll be entering the dorm life and become 2 and half hours away from everyone and especially my bf. Granted, there are other satellite campuses for this uni, but my major is only at the main campus.

I want him to come with me, but he's been talking about potentially breaking apart when I move to uni. I know we have a lot of love for each other. He's scared on what's going to happen with our relationship. I want us to experience life without living with our parents even if it's at a uni. It IS possible to move to this uni because the credits easily transfer to this uni even if he's not done at the community college. I'm scared too with all the change, but the last thing I want to do is break apart from each other. He doesn't want to either, but doesn't want to be the reason to hold me back from pursuing more education.

I don't even know how to think right now. It's a soft spot for both of us and I just want more options to keep our relationship stable. I'd like to think that if we both really loved each other, we shouldn't have to break up. I don't want to find someone else. We are two peas in a pod. I'm applying next summer/fall of 2015. I'm 20 and he's 22 almost 23 if that means anything.

Please help.