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Kindred Offline
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Name: Eyeliner Failure
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General Anxiety Concerns - November 30th 2014, 06:48 PM

Hey there,

This started since I moved out around 4 months ago. I now have to fend for myself, but I'm used to it now, and I thought I'd settled in. I also live with my boyfriend who's immensely supportive and helps in a lot of situations.

I'm generally anxious a good proportion of the time- often without cause. My hands get sweaty, my pulse raises and I can feel/hear my heartbeat. My thoughts start racing, and I'm often very paranoid. If I'm in a new or social situation, things get worse (symptoms increase tenfold, and I often struggle). Even sitting here now, in a darkened room, I'm all tensed up and I don't know why. I take time to relax after university and work, and space my work out. I'm sometimes stressed, sometimes with cause and sometimes without. I'm mainly just confused as to why I feel this way. I don't want to see a counselor- it's not an option. I'm also slightly concerned this may have a physical cause. I know it's perfectly normal to feel nervous or panicked in some situations, but this seems a little bit excessive. I'm perfectly happy and coping well, aside from the nerves!

Any help or insight would be appreciated!

Take as long as you need.

Last edited by Kindred; November 30th 2014 at 07:25 PM.