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amyrebecca Offline
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Re: Depression and family problems affecting schoolwork and exams - January 14th 2015, 03:08 AM

hey, I completely know how you feel. As of right now I am only going to half of my classes and am not able to do the homework or studying due to depression. All I can think about in the morning is how much I don't want to be alive so it's pretty hard to get through the day in school. But you know as terrible as it can be I will try to encourage you that you have made it this far! You are alive so you still have a chance, the future is up to you, I mean you can dream up anything you want to do. As hard it is for me to do, I try to find one thing in my day that I like, and that may be the only thing sometimes that gets me through the day. For school if you can possibly talk to anyone about what your biggest concerns are for school, then they could help you to figure out manageable things for you to do, and what is realistic for you. Usually there is a guidance councellor at school, have you talked to him/her?, because I know I didn't even think about that option (due to bad experiences in the past with councellors :/) until I literally couldn't go into my school. But she has helped me a lot to figure out what is manageable for me to be doing and what I can forget about. I could literally go on for hours but just try to find some source of hope. And don't take anybody's crap. People that aren't going through similiar things or are too inconciderate to care just won't give you the help, guidance and real freaking comfort that you need right now
hope this helped
if not that is completely okay