Thread: Triggering (Suicide): serious trouble with my moms boyfriend!!!!!!
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Re: serious trouble with my moms boyfriend!!!!!! - April 11th 2015, 09:28 PM

I had a situation like this with my dad and his current partner. I did not like the person my dad was dating and we got into a lot of heated arguments about it. I honestly did not like my dad's partner for a long time.

I don't know why it changed but I eventually started ignoring the things that bothered me about him and I put my foot down in a firm way when he upsets me. He doesn't always like it but I need to stick up for myself. For example, he is really touchy feely and I don't like that so when he does it too much I get upset with him and tell him. Sometimes he still won't listen to me...he doesn't get it...but I still stick up for myself.

My dad and his partner are constantly telling me I am mean and stuff like that because of the way I stick up for myself. That used to hurt my feelings and it still does to a certain extent but I have been able to get over it.

I think the key is reminding yourself that your mom had the right to date whoever she wants. She might not be in a healthy relationship but until she is willing to admit that and walk away there isn't a lot you can do.

I think you should continue sticking up for yourself. I know it's hard not to snap but try to do what you can to prevent it. If you snap sometimes remember that everyone has their breaking point. I still snap at my dad's partner sometimes. When you snap apologize if you feel up to it.

You can get through this. I know it's difficult but your mom's relationship does not have to destroy you or anything like that.

If you haven't done so already talk to your mom's boyfriend and express your frustrations and concerns. It might help but in the end, you cannot change someone you can only control how you respond to them.

Best of luck and if you need anything feel free to message me.