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Always * Offline
I can't get enough
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Re: How to describe anxiety to someone who doesn't have it? - June 14th 2015, 10:08 PM

I think how you describe your anxiety changes from person to person. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and for me it feels like a constant state of tension in my chest. I'll get irritated and frustrated over seemingly minor things because I feel overwhelmed. It's like looking at a situation and thinking the worst. I find that a lot of my problem is when I worry about things that don't even matter or aren't even problems. It's like having to click the lock button on my car keys 6 times and watch the lights flash again and again because "oh god, what if the car isn't locked". I've walked 5 minutes back to my car because I was filled with an overwhelming panic that it wasn't locked (even after the many button clicks).

I feel like I can't relax a lot. That too, it's like feeling constantly tense and stressed. I can't just sit and watch a movie. I feel unproductive, my mind wanders and worries about all the things I need to be getting done. I have trouble spending a night out because of all my work. I have trouble traveling cause what if a potential jerky boss says no, or if my cats get sick, or the pet sitter forgets about them, or if someone breaks in and steals my stuff, and so on. It's ridiculous really, and sometimes I feel highly stressed in a situation (or eve just sitting on my couch) and I can't even say why or what is causing it, even while I dig through my head to figure out why.

I guess that's anxiety for me.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions