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Smile poem communications - July 2nd 2015, 10:07 AM

My best friend has been very discouraged lately, she is dealing with a lot. Last night, she was talking to me about it, and I wrote her a poem. She wrote me one too, because we both write a lot of poetry. I asked her if I could post the poem I wrote for her and the one she wrote me, as long as I did not say her name or specifically what she is going through. She agreed, and so I'm sharing it because what she wrote actually made me cry, it was so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have such a great friend!

I wrote:

She looks back to see how far she has come
But then she glances forward at how far to go.
Her feet want to go forward
But her heart says no.
She misses the days
Of young and carefree.
When she was my best friend
Who was always laughing with me.
Now we are both older,
Wiser, more mature.
We know now that a bandage
Isn't a magic cure.
We've both had our share
Of horrid heartbreaks
And friends
Who were really fakes.
She's losing hope
But I know she's really strong.
She comes to me
Tells me what's wrong.
I do my best
To fix her internal war.
For she's my friend, and
After all, it's what friends are for.
I say to her,
In my most caring voice,
"We both have to beat our problems,
It's our only choice.
I know you can do it,
I know you shall be free.
I wish you saw in yourself,
What I can see:
A friend full of love and
Promise for whatever's ahead.
If I could take away your insecurity,
I'd be glad to carry that burden instead.
I wish I could take away the blinders
They've put over your eyes,
I wish I could take away the memories
And you could forget the awful lies.
But that's not the way the world is,
So instead I stand by your side
As we both face the battles
We have inside."

She wrote:

In front of me is a beautiful girl
Who feels so scared and afraid.
Her sadness is growing
Her happiness seems to fade.
She's been through so much
In her 15 short years.
Oftentimes when I look close,
I see her blink back tears.
She doesn't want the world to know
She's still affected by her past.
I'm the only one who knows all the hurt,
And it's no wonder the pain seems to last.
I hope she truly knows
I'll never turn my back, ever.
The bond we have can't be broken,
We'll be best friends forever.
I know she's going to be fine,
I know she'll be alright.
For together we'll face the battles,
And we'll never give up the fight.
I'll always be her support,
But she's stronger than she knows.
I know she can get through her past,
Which seems to be the worst of foes.

I was bawling when she finished reading. Her poetry is so beautiful. She truly is a very supportive friend. I couldn't have asked for a better one!