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Re: Boyfriend Christmas Presents?! - December 16th 2015, 03:59 PM

Does he like video games? If he does you could get him a gift subscription to gamefly. They have three month, six month and then a year. You do have to pay in advance but it would be worth it for someone who likes games.

If he likes video games you can get collector type controllers on amazon. But, they are kind of pricey. My boyfriend wants a halo one.

I know these are all video game related but my boyfriend is a gamer.

You could treat him to dinner and a movie. I'm not sure how you'd work that into present form but it's something that could be fun for both of you and depending on the restaurant it doesn't have to be too expensive.

If he likes movies you could see if Netflix has any gift subscriptions available (although most people have Netflix already) or you could get him a gift card for the theatres.

I'm not sure how much money you're looking to spend. I know you're only seventeen so you might not have a lot of money. But, some of these options might still work.

I can't really think of anything else. I suck at coming up with gift ideas. My boyfriend told me a few of the things he wanted and I just saved my money and did what I could with what I had. I think buying presents is hard when you don't know what they want.

It might help if you list some of the things he likes. Other people or even myself might be able to come up with more suggestions based on that.