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Re: 6 days late with a negative test. Could I still be pregnant? - September 7th 2016, 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by Always * View Post

I heard that sometimes pre-cum can have trace amounts of sperm but that if a man has sperm in his precum, this will always be the case, and that if a man doesn't have sperm in his precum, then that'll also be the case. But in both cases there isn't enough sperm for it to be a huge risk because there's often not enough for it to project high enough into the cervix or something.
From what I've read, the only way there can be traces of sperm in pre-ejaculate is if it has not been flushed out since the last time there was an ejaculation (whether it be from masturbation, sex, whatever). While they really haven't scientifically confirmed this, most say that peeing will flush out any residual sperm in the urethra. Seems like that would make logical sense.
I've also read that even if you don't see the pre-ejaculate, there is still trace amounts of it. It just kind of depends on the guy and the situation, I guess.
That's the case for my boyfriend.
But anyway, just from being with him for so long now and knowing his habits, I can tell you that the chances of me getting pregnant that way are slim to none. We take great care to ensure we don't get pregnant before we're ready.

I have an appointment next week with my doctor to discuss birth control and I hope she'll have some good information for me. I'd prefer to be on the pill, but I know that there are many different kinds and some women have different side effects. I hope I get on one that won't make me gain too much weight and can clear up my face a little. It's not bad, but breakouts annoy me.