Thread: Triggering (Abuse): Getting therapy for past abuse/rape
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Re: Getting therapy for past abuse/rape - October 15th 2017, 02:45 AM

Hey there,

I have worked with both male and female doctors. The first therapist I ever really worked with was male and he was supposed to be one of the best. I kept seeing him because of that but I wasn't really ready or open to therapy. The second therapist I had, I was going through a program with my county and I didn't really have a choice about working with him because he was the only therapist for that particular program. For a long while, I actually got along well with him and we did some good work together. I think one of the reasons I was able to overcome my discomfort with him was by opening up slowly.

The therapist that I worked with on my abuse, primarily, was female and I think there were some things that made talking to her easier. However, I think I would have been able to adjust to a therapist even if they were male. As long as they showed as much kindness and compassion as the female therapist.

There are some people who cannot work with a male therapist. I don't, necessary have that issue but there are things I struggle to talk to a man about. If you want, you can definitely continue going to him. It can take a while to adjust to a therapist. If after a while you still haven't adjusted or don't feel you are getting anything out of therapy then you can talk to him and ask him to find you a female.

There are some really kind and compassionate males out there. My psychiatrist is a male and he is amazing. He is one of the best out there. He is well known all over my state and I have gotten so much help from him. However, for me, having a male psychiatrist is not as hard as having a male therapist can be because you only confide so much in them. You don't really have to get into detail about abuse etc.

I hope that things work out and you are able to figure this out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to work with a female. I refuse to see a male General Practitioner or a male gynecologist.