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Efica Offline
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Name: Eva
Age: 18
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I might be grayromantic - August 21st 2020, 10:08 PM

So I'm starting high school soon so I've been thinking about dating recently. I realized that I'm not really interested in dating. The reason I'm starting this thread is because I'm confused and I need someone to help me figure it out. So I've been thinking about dating and I feel like I don't want to date but at the same time I kinda do. I want to have a significant other who I can grow old with but I don't want to go through flirting, break ups and that kinda stuff. I also don't really like that cheesy romance movies and stories. I'm very empathetic so sometimes if there is romance in let's say a book I'm reading I might get sad for the characters but I don't get farther than that. Can someone help me out a little, I'm really confused.