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Unhappy mixed signals leading to nowhere (and sadness) - January 14th 2021, 04:08 PM


this story can be a bit long but i desperately need advice <3

for the past few months i've developed a crush on one of my closests friends (girl, like me). we are very close, we talk to each other everyday and we have quite a touchy relationship. she has already talked to me about her being lesbian and she knows i am bisexual. last year, i sensed that she liked me romantically bc of her way of treating me differently from our friend group, the way she complimented me and the way she touched me. at that time i didn't feel anything towards her so i didn't respond to her advances. now i kinda regret it because i started to like her.

this year, we continue to be closer than ever and she even holds my hands constantly during school and outside school. although, another girl in my friend group is acting a bit weird. she seems to be jealous (?) of our touchiness and always tried to steal her away. during every single recess they get in a bathroom stall together and spend an unreasonable amount of time there. the other girls in my friend group started a joke about them being in a relationship and them making out in the bathroom. i felt jealous. i asked the girl i like multiple times if the two of them are in a relationship and she has denied it everytime i asked. i still have my doubts though.

anyway, yesterday i turned 16 and i build up the courage to confess my feelings to her. i texted her and told her about it. i told her that she didn't need to respond if she didn't want to, it was just for her to know and that please not to tell anyone about what i told her (specifically the other girl) bc i would feel kinda embarrassed. i also said i didn't want anything between us to change and to avoid awkwardness around each other. idk if i chose the correct words now because i want some clarity. she responded to me with a "thank you for telling me ".

today i went to school and i couldn't even look at her. i don't know if she rejected me (i think she did) or if anything is going to happen. i don't know where we are. she didn't make any moves to talk to me about it or anything, she just resumed her daily life as if nothing happened and i feel so lost. she held hands with the other girl and i went to take a walk with a friend and told everything to her.

right now i feel very sad. i had to cancel plans on the weekend with my friend group because i'm not capable of being around her right now. should i talk to her? what should i say? should i just move forward? should i ask for a response to my confession? i need advice and i would very much appreciate it if someone helped me.

if you've read until this point, ily <3

thank you in advance,

me crying lol[/size][/color][/font]