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Re: Friends or just dating - February 6th 2021, 04:40 PM

Hey there! Thanks for posting here on TeenHelp. I hope we can be of help to you.

Friendships can often get tricky when one person develops feelings for the other but the other does not reciprocate. Unfortunately often they end. I was in a situation where for over ten years my best friend (he is male, and at the time I identified as female) was deeply in love with me, but I didn't reciprocate. Our friendship didn't end because of that, but it put a lot of stress on it, and I feel we couldn't really enjoy the friendship as much as we could have because there was that underlying, unspoken knowledge that he loved me and I didn't love him.

So yes, it really stinks when that happens. Have you tried talking to these guys about their feelings, or setting boundaries with them? Just because they like you and you don't reciprocate doesn't mean the friendship has to end, or even be awkward, if y'all communicate directly and effectively. You could say something like "thank you for sharing your feelings with me. I am glad you feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with me. I value our relationship and hope that, going forward, we can continue to be good friends."

As for the guy who blocked you, that's unfortunate. I understand it must hurt that you weren't ready to date them and now you are, but he's blocked you. Sometimes timing on these things is tricky. People will probably give you different advice about this, but personally I feel if he's blocked you you should let it go. Blocking someone online is, in a way, setting a boundary, and crossing that boundary by reaching out via other social media/text/phone call etc. may be perceived as you not respecting his space. So I would let it go. There will be other guys, and who knows, maybe he will come around and unblock you at some point, and y'all could talk about getting together then.

I hope this helps. PM me if you need anything, and good luck.