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Name: Sarah
Age: 32
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Location: Wales, UK.

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Vaccination reactions - June 20th 2021, 10:30 PM

On Sunday I received the Pfizer vaccination (1st) and I've had some weird reaction/side effects to it.

Most people said they had a bit of a 'dead arm' and that was it.

I had a slight sore arm and couldn't lift my arm as high due to where the needle was and was ok.

Tuesday came and I started getting a sore throat and a bit stuffy-nosed.

Wednesday came and I literally had to clear my schedule and cancel all my clients for the day because I could not stop sneezing at all. My eyes kept running as well. More than one person thought I had hay fever. I've never had hay fever in my life. My period also started a week early which is something that has also never happened in my life.

Thursday was iffy because my stuffed nose cleared but I had an out of breath sort of feeling in the back of my throat and I started getting a chesty cough. Plus I was still sneezing but not as much.

Friday came and I was coughing like crazy. It was very clear I had some sort of chesty cough, but again, my nose had cleared up and my sinus got better. I have no idea how I managed to be ok teaching 2 cardio classes and be ok the whole time.

Saturday I showered in the morning and my nose bled (I'm prone to them as it is). Probably from all the pressure released by the steam. At work I had a client in and the coughing got considerably worse, and my stuffed up nose came back. My client is a paramedic and heard my cough and said it's a 'wet cough' and I likely have a chest infection. :/ Wonderful.

And now, Sunday, a week later from my vaccination, my nose is less stuffed up but sore because of all the times I still have to blow it and I've had another nose bleed! I got some chesty cough medicine yesterday and it seems to have definitely helped. However, the sinus pressure is so bad that I have to keep taking ibuprofen because my eyes are in so much pain from it all.

I honestly don't know if this is all just some weird severe reaction to the vaccination, that my immune system was lowered so badly that I picked something up... or maybe a combination of the two. I don't know.

Has anyone else had any weird reactions/side effects to the vaccination?