Thread: Friendship fail
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Dani576 Offline
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Friendship fail - February 19th 2022, 04:07 AM

My friend has been distant, avoiding, and not talking to me for about a month, and I didn’t know why, so I tried to reach out to them, and apologize for anything I might have done to cause it. They sent me back this:

“Thank you, I appreciate your apology. I don't know if you noticed, but this is the first time you've ever apologized for your own actions. The reason I've been distant from you is because I feel like you never see me as I really am. I feel uncomfortable when you try to become closer with me, and this is mainly due to because your perspective of me has never changed. In a positive relationship, both people should accept each other, yet I feel as if I can't be myself around you. I don't feel accepted because of your assumptions about me, and I feel that you never give me the chance to prove who I really am. I shouldn't have to prove myself, but it's not right that you would call me a friend and assume the worst about my personal life. I shouldn't have to explain myself, or why I don't need therapy, if you don't even know me. The main point I wanted to bring across is the one-sidedness I feel. You try to pry into my personal life, yet you make assumptions about me starving myself or being depressed. I don't understand your wet leaf analogy, but if you truly see me as a "sad person pretending to be happy", it doesn't make sense why you'd want to be my friend. I wasn't planning to tell you all this, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm willing to talk to you again. I also want you to know that this is mainly because of Craig, and that I'm not going to become isolated because you "claimed" him. I know this seems like a lot, but it really only has two points. All I need from you is to stop making assumptions about me, and restricting me based on who you think I should be. I do apologize for distancing without telling you anything. I should've given you a reason as to why I don't feel comfortable around you, and this could've been avoided. I'm not going to make this any longer than it has to be, so goodnight.”

I feel so broken and betrayed, am I the jerk? If so, what can I do now?