Thread: Friendship fail
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Re: Friendship fail - February 20th 2022, 09:51 PM

I see both sides of this situation. You friend has obviously been hurt by some of the things you've said to them. But rather than addressing the issue with you, they perhaps kept it to themselves. You may not have realised how your words/actions may have come across and/or they took your words out of context and you were unable to explain yourself.

I agree with Eli that they appear to want to try and salvage the friendship with you, but it also sounds like they struggle to be close to you based on whatever it is that you may have done/said to them.

We don't always realise that our words have more of an impact than we intend, so perhaps discussing it with your friend and find out what it is that's caused her to truly push you away. Based on what was written, there appear to be multiple issues with the friendship they have with you that may need addressing.

Chat with them. Keep an open mind, and be respectful of whatever they may say, even if it may be difficult to hear.