Thread: Triggering: Ukraine and Russia.
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Re: Ukraine and Russia. - March 4th 2022, 02:47 AM


I can't believe what I have just read. Is this some kind of US mindset?

Civilians' houses (civilians just like us, leading their lives just like us) are being bombed and you people are talking about some stock market shit? NATO? Or if the Ukraine should even exist? Yes, countries smaller than the US do exist and we do have our own national identities and would not like to be absorbed by Russia just because we're smaller countries bordering with it or because some of these countries used to be Soviet republics against their will
Maybe you don't see it, but here in Poland it's happening. The refugees are visible, there are special accomodation places being organised for them, many Poles are taking fleeing Ukrainians into their own homes, and most of us do know some Ukrainian people who are our friends working, studying, living in Poland.[/size][/color][/font]
US citizen here and thank you for this comment. I saw the original comment about NATO but had minimal spoons to reply. There have been some US Citizens saying similar things which has been astounding to me. Ukraine deserves its independence. I've actually seen a good analogy where Russia is an abusive ex and Ukraine is the girlfriend whose basically trying to get free. I didn't need that analogy to be made but I feel like it was written because so many people aren't comprehending the situation.

I've been so happy to see all that Poland is doing for Ukrainian citizens. Tonight I heard that Russia attacked apartment complexes and my first thought was hoping the citizens are safe. I truly hope that the Ukrainian citizens that are still there can find safety.

Adding that things are even more serious now. There's some serious stuff going on at chernobyl and Boris Johnson is calling for an emergency meeting with the UN. I've also heard that some atomic agency is on 24/7 watch because of this.