Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 4th 2009, 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Josh View Post
Just the 'reverse sexism' is annoying. Many are forgetting there's two people in regards to this whole event - three if you count the father - the unexpected embryo and the girl who didn't expect to get pregnant. When anyone says terminate it, kinda - in an odd way - feels like they're saying abort me. Because that, all of that, is my past - the poverty, the run away father, the possible shame of getting knocked up, etc. That's my origins. That's where I come from, which is closer than a girl who gets pregnant may ever get - because she might have it stable.
That's your mindset, you should not be able to push YOUR morals on everyone else. A woman should be able to choose, ESPECIALLY when she gets raped. We both can not begin to comprehend the emotional trauma a WOMAN feels when she gets raped and ends up getting pregnant because of it...

Big Mole, growing up like most people, and never having these questions in your life. No, you don't. You don't believe me? Hmm, let's see - it's because you weren't taken away from the woman you lived nine months in! So don't you ever DARE tell me that you had anything closely resembling that, because you don't and you never will know what that's like. Well, guess what? I remember. And I guess you never heard that guys could get raped too? Maybe not as often, but it does happen... thus, all we're really talking about is pregnancy as something that only girls go through.
But, guys can't get pregnant if they're raped. I understand that guys can get raped, as I am one, but when a guy gets raped, they don't have 9 months to deal with it having a kid inside of them. Again, we can't comprehend it, it probably has to be the worst thing ever...

(little thanks to Just.Tegan for showing me these guys)