Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 5th 2009, 05:20 AM

Hm. Well.

I believe there is good reason to chose abortion over adoption. That's awesome that you got adopted. What about those children who don't? Or the children who grow up with abusive parents because they didn't want the child to begin with? As bad as it is to say, do you think we have the food and resources to feed every single child that's been aborted? Adoption is not always a realistic thing for people to look for. And while you may have had a good experience with it, some people haven't. It's not always butterflies and rainbows.

I also feel like choosing an abortion is taking responsibility for having sex. While it isn't a birth control, you've chosen what you should do, and what you think is best for everyone involved really.

So you're saying if you have a sex, you will have baby, and shouldn't have the option of getting an abortion, so you technically have to "deal with the consequences". Is that what you want to be called? Your parents consequence for sex? I know I wouldn't appreciate that.

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