Thread: Triggering: Abortion is wrong.
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Re: Abortion is wrong. - June 6th 2009, 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by newvisionofreality View Post
People eat animals and kill animals all the time
Are you saying animals don't eat people? I can produce pictures (you can find - anything - on the net these days) of animals chowing down on some fresh human meat if you'd like...

Eating is a function of survival. If we don't eat, we can't survive.

However, would you seriously kill an animal to produce a pain killer to ease your pain? Personally, I wouldn't, because I wouldn't need to do so in order to survive.

I don't see pain to comfort mentality, I see survival mentality and life for a life as do any and all creatures. But, killing an animal to ease one's pain when that's anything but necessary? No, I'd strongly disagree with that.

As stated before, pregnancy can't be seen as "life for life" mentality unless it actually is "life for life." One can have their opinions regarding it, but the only way that statement can make sense is if the woman could die - thus a LIFE for a life... unless something has the potentiality of dying you can't use the life for life mentality - that'd be pain for life.

Please tell me how this could statement could ever have anything to do with pregnancy unless the woman could possibly die...

Would you really sacrifice the life of a person for an animal, they are not equal.
One can have any opinion on abortion, but that phrase that I commented on and why I believe you asked about not eating meat can't be applied. Sacrificing the life of a person? That implies the possible death of a person - death from childbirth. That is only a select number of abortions, but can't be applied to the rest in a general sense because in that is specifically implied a possible death of the person. Thus, it is a flawed logic that I don't see how it can ever be implied unless one's talking particularly about death during childbirth. Life for a life.

Last edited by ThePunkAlien; June 6th 2009 at 08:40 PM.