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Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage??? - June 20th 2009, 04:20 AM

Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive View Post
So its okay for gays to be treated as second-class citizens as long as they have some rights?
If gays were being treated as second class citizens, and as terribly as they let on, they would not have any rights whatsoever. I do agree that gays should be allowed to have the same rights as married couples, only as registered couples, but I do not agree that gays should be allowed to participate in the sacrament of marriage in a Christian church, as that is controversial to Christian beliefs.

No, it isn't. Most homosexuals aren't lobbying to force churches to marry them, they are lobbying for the state to marry them. Gay marriage can be legalized without forcing churches to perform them. It's working quite well in Canada - courts are required to marry religious couples, but if it is against a certain church's beliefs, they are not required to perform the marriage.
Then if they are fighting to be married by the state, again, WHY should they care what Christians will not allow in their church!? I would understand this if there were far more Christians who not only refused to marry gays in their churches, but were fighting to make marriage illegal to Christians all together. But most Christians are not fighting to completely outlaw gay marriage, they simply will not permit it in their church. The Christians are not the ones making the laws here. Therefore, the Christians should not be the ones who are getting attacked. The government makes the laws, not the Christians, am I right? So again, why are so many homosexuals so intent on attacking Christians? It makes no sense whatsoever to me, and I find it ridiculous.

A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts