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Ryan1 Offline
A Man Of My Word
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Name: Ryan
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Re: In the end, it's statutory rape... - January 1st 2010, 08:39 PM

Actually its not statutory Rape, the law in Canada has a (Close in age limit of five years.) meaning that a 15 year old could infect have sex legally with a 19 year old.

People often times don’t understand the true meaning behind that law. Its not to keep teenagers from having sex its to keep sexual predators at bay. They don’t want people having sex and not being able to seek medical help.

However this law applies for some places in Canada the U.S I’m not sure.

As for your situation I disagree with what your doing. He’s 15 he’s doesn’t look at a relationship as you do. You have to understand that those long distance relationships generally don’t hold up to well unless there’s a great history between the two people.

And in this case a can clearly see there's next to no history between you two. Now before you take the trip think is what your doing right and is it in the best interest for both of you. Not just your self.

If you later find out that its indeed illegal to have sex with him I strongly! Strongly! Advise you not to have sex until he is old enough, because if you did get changed for that it would be with you for life.

I wish you all the best, take care!