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Re: Eating disorder? - February 11th 2010, 11:52 AM

Thank you both for your help!

@Tiny: It's more of a punishment. I feel that I'm hungry to the point of pain, but I don't do anything about it for a while. Sometimes while I'm going through one of these periods I do eat, just not nearly enough. I'll snack on something like lettuce or chips or something for a little while, but not enough to stop feeling hungry for very long. I'm not sure exactly why I do it - it depends. Sometimes it's something as simple as stress, but usually it's because I feel guilty about something. Maybe I got a angry at my partner, or thought about something bad... Other times it goes with the random patterns of my depression, where I'll be feeling terrible for no reason and don't feel as if I should eat. I guess a kind of 'I'm not good enough' mentality.

I see what you mean about it being binge eating. I don't know though, how much is 'eating a lot'? I haven't really bothered to pay attention, but when I start eating again I don't think I eat too much more than usual. Maybe on the first day or two, depending on how long I went without eating much, I'll snack a lot more than usual, but I'm not sure how much is significant.

So 'eating disorder' is too harsh of a term? Both said something along those lines, and I see what you mean. The problems usually seem to go hand in hand with something else, and I kind of thought eating disorders were more about weight, but I don't know much more about them than you learn in school or watch in films.

@Cas: Hm, I never thought about it in terms of control. If I look at it that way, I usually do it at times where I feel like I can't do anything about a situation. Perhaps it could explain the times when it happens...?

You both helped so much, but I can't write everything I wanted to, have to rush to school! Thanks!

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