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EmisaurusRex Offline
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Re: breast feeding in public - April 7th 2010, 03:47 PM

I don't have a problem with it.
Those of you who are saying babies can have no concept of time. They don't understand "Hey baby, people don't want to see me feed you so you're just going to have to suck it up and wait until we get home or somewhere with no people."
They will scream and scream until they are fed. I'm pretty sure that's going to annoy/bother people more than a mother feeding her child. You don't have to look. And I realize that sometimes you don't know that they are doing it and you look that way and you are like "Woah! That wasn't expected." that point, just look away if it bothers you that much.
And...with the cushiony restaurant seat vs toilet seat you are at the seat at the table, you have somewhere to prop, unlike while sitting on a toilet in most cases. Also, like many have wouldn't want to eat in the bathroom.

I don't have a problem with it. I do agree that I think you should be discreet about it and cover as much as possible.

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