Thread: Triggering: Abortion???
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Re: Abortion??? - April 7th 2010, 10:37 PM

Here is why I think in cases of rape it should definitely be okay; woman who are raped are dealing with a lot of stuff as is. Quite a few woman who are raped attempt suicide, need to be put on meds, develop eating disorders etc. They have a lot of psychological complications that a baby could/would impede upon. If a woman is raped and has flashbacks and suffers from depression and a doctor needs to medicate her the doctor will be really limited in what he/she can do to help the rape victim.

Keeping the baby would get in the way of the mother getting over the rape and healing. How is that fair? And in a sense keeping the baby could quite possibly endanger the mothers life.

I am still healing from my abuse. If I think about what would happen if I were told I had to keep the baby, deal with all the medical issues from that, psychological issues from that and then deal with the rape on top of that. I don't know if I could do it.

It is a situational thing because some people have their rapists baby and are fine. But it is definitely situational.