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Jaymz404 Offline
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Name: James
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Re: Fiancee's Pregnant (2 months) and I'm scared... - January 8th 2009, 11:56 AM

Then you are being forced into it by your girl friend, which means your relationship is not a good one because it's not a balanced one. She cannot control one of the biggest decisions of your life purley on her own.

Abortion is not so bad, don't understand the drama over it myself. Untill the fetus has conciousness then there is not an issue. But obviously this is a different thing, mainly to do with beleifs etc. So lets not go into that.

You mention you do not want to mature.
And you say you need some help on how to be happy about it?

Well I've got some simple advise for you.

Talk to your girl friend , the therapist won't help and its likley a waste of your money. You don't want this kid. That I can see. But you want to be with her and want to please her so are accepting it.

This is not good and will only lead to problems down the line.

You may even end up having to split up with her, but trust me this is far better than having a kid that you do not want.