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x-gothic-princess-x Offline
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Re: When will my boobs grow?! - July 9th 2010, 12:26 AM

it complete different for each person, and we cannot say when you are going to grow or become fatter or even when your boobs will become bigger. I started my period when I was 10 and now had a period for 6 years, but my boobs havent really grown. im only a B cup now... it all depends how big your family are. all my family have small boobs which means i wont make it any bigger than a C cup general speaking... and there is some types of birth control which can help boob growth, but no one can say for 100% that its going to work. and depending on your age you might or might not be able to get it. i would say be happy with what boobs you have and wait till they grow... your friends/family and boyfriend (if you have one or when you get one) will like you for who you are and not what size your boobs are Keep your chin up