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31 weeks pregnant and having pre term symptoms - July 26th 2010, 04:22 PM

I've had an extremely healthy and normal pregnancy so far. My little boy is due September 31 and nothing has seemed irregular except for his size.
However, last night around 7, I started having really bad stomach cramps at the top of my uterus. At 8, I realized that they were contractions and that they built up, hit, and faded just like a normal labor contraction. I had more than 4 in 1 hour. At 9 there was a lot of watery discharge in my underwear.

I went to the hospital with my family, where they hooked me up to a fetal and contraction monitor and did 3 exams. The first two were to see if my water had broken, and they both came back negative. The thrid was a test to see if I may go into labor in the next two weeks, and it came back positive. We found out that sex can cause contractions and can cause a positive result on the third test, and we had sex 8 hours before all of this.

They sent me home, told me that I was on bedrest/limited activity and to see my doctor today. I continued to have contractions through the night, but they faded around 9:30 this morning. I wouldn't be so concerned, but I noticed a very small amount of pink/brown color in my dishcharge.

Should I call my doctor and try to get in before 3:30 today? Should I be worried? or should I just calm down?