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  (#125 (permalink)) Old
St.Vincent Offline
I've been here a while
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Name: Edna
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Location: Somewhere Across Forever

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Join Date: January 6th 2009

Re: Different usernames upon reregistration - January 8th 2009, 06:33 PM

Yesss.. I'm anal retentive

A lone swordsman -> Jer
dancingirl -> Ellie
EsqualEtMoi -> Lee
Destined/Ashlyn -> Anna
Young.stunna.x3 -> kaytastrophie_xo
Jessie. -> Jessie
Blacksnow42 -> blacksnow
AppleTini -> Katrina
Lost Words -> beckie
Nearly-dead-inside -> JenJen
Adam (: -> Adam
BrokenInsanity. -> Stacey
CillaRox -> CillaIsPoet
nirish-samurai -> the-nirish-ninja
Itsmatt -> Matt
brokend_inside -> Jamie
x-shaz-eya-x. -> Shaz
chalkboard -> Charlie
*xxjessxx* -> .Jess.
Captain Bubbles =) -> Chayla
Pandalue -> Pandaloo
Giggles -> Sabrina
drowningangel -> drowningangel
Keegs92 -> Razzmatazz Rach
Sweetguy4126 -> TopOfTheWorld
hols_bols98 -> Holly
Wishin~I~was~someone~else -> Lottie
Seraphiel -> Jack
Socalmoongal -> Lizzie
bleedingxheartx7 -> thexlastxnightx7
rusty_blade -> xxxskittlesxxx
x__dreamergirl -> glittermist
mattsbabigurl8606 -> ThereIsHope
Calibur -> Jamie
Xamed -> Jas
SonicFan -> Hyper Sonic
poetic_tragedy -> Marionette
Starlett -> Starlett
Alex13 -> Alex
*Faith* -> *Faith*
lauren_160 -> lauren_160
NeopetsLover -> CasiLG
lost-myself -> lost-myself
Ebb-> Rainbow
StoneUsagi -> Grindylow
BeautifulNightmare -> Boo Ghost
xsecretsx -> xsecretsx
tk338 -> tk338
xxpaigiexx -> xxpaigiexx
xxxVickixxx -> VanishingActs
*frankie* -> innocentlyangelic
keady -> PolkaDotTissue
elstarr05 -> elstarr05
xo-SimplyComplex-ox -> SimplyComplex
pixied_37 -> merula
justalittlethingcalledluv -> Simply Complicado -> Ergg
is it?or isn't it? -> Fangs-Of-Sang
Dragonfly88 -> Dragonfly88
sarahbop94 -> ForeverAutumn
WomanOfChrist -> Emily -> _Christ lover-
Stephiie -> Steph
fantasmo -> kenzie
Amore -> Angel
sushi_error -> sushi_error
LightningSword -> Invictus
udontno -> udontno
marshmello kid -> Marshmello Kid
Amber/amber_teh_shark -> Amber
Leaaaa (: -> Lea (:
Timetosaythis -> Troy
KI-YUL -> Kyle
Classic Rock -> Brandon
xxstarletxx -> .Sarah.
Chazzz -> Charlotte
achava_elah_18 -> I_love_music_achava
colorguard1526 -> Briana
Trickmatic -> Vincent
lostxsoul -> Acerbated
xxllamasliketopartyxx -> llamasliketoparty
pookie. -> xxJesus_Freakxx <3
RandomPerson123 -> Jake
iceskating 0406 -> choc_aid
Corello -> Arbiter
rainbowblood -> Amélie
Pomgurl -> KayTKay
LovePandora -> DazzleMe
TibbySkye -> TibbySkye
brokenfallenangel(?) -> xoxo_fallenangel_xoxo
Khadra -> Khadra
TheNumber42 -> TheNumber42
teenwriter89 -> Casey
StrikeGundamXero -> KnightSniper
7Cavalry -> 7thCavalry
Aliasgeek/Jamiegirl -> Dasha
Sissleys -> Sissleys
x-gothic-princess-x -> x-gothic-princess-x
Lost_child -> Lost_chil
lilchrisluver91 -> drownedintheflood
xxxtrueangelxxx -> Marie
flyingpancake -> flyingpancake
Shannon6212 -> Shannon
Zaika -> WhySoSerious
theman222 -> Lugez
littlemadangel -> xxlittlemadangelxx
Anesthetised. -> Stephanie
Whatsername -> Whatsername21
I-thought-I-was-strong -> .KillCasino.
Vessol -> Vessol
Diving_princess -> Who Am I Anymore
cut_up_angel -> Looweeze
Amanda Marie -> Concrete Girl
msbunnykins -> msbunnykins
Katiee -> Katieeee
Samuel06 -> Sam
St.Vincent -> St.Vincent

Let's update this every once and a while while TH is still new. Also, let's fix any typos?

I am waylaid by Beauty. Who will walk
Between me and the crying of the frogs?

(My PM box is always open.. if I can't help you, I'll find someone who can)