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Berries and Cream Offline
Junior TeenHelper
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Name: Elizabeth
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Location: California♥

Posts: 200
Points: 10,819, Level: 15
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Join Date: August 11th 2010

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 12th 2010, 04:34 AM

I love you and I'm grateful that I have you, although sometimes you may be disappointed in me once in awhile.

Thank you for being a good friend Thank you for buying me shoes, even if you did not have any money for them. I am so grateful that you were in my life to support me But I am sad that you have cancer

You're a great friend and I hate that I lied to you. I'm sorry

I swear I gave you those markers on time. Please give me that extra credit that you should have given me a long time ago You're a great teacher but I don't understand why it's so hard to put in five points in the computer. It only takes two seconds.

Why do you always findflaws in my art work even if I try my very best? You're an awesome teacher and I have nothing against you but it would help if you told me what I could improve on.

I don't know why it's so hard to say I love you. You're the most important person in my life and I wish I could spend more time with you. I wish I had the courage to say "I love you" because I truly do.

Thank you for being a great friend, Bella. Although you're a new friend, I consider you a 'gold' friend. You're really really cool and caring and I'm glad I found you. I hope we can be best friends throughout high school and through life.

I don't know what to say to you. Why did you not have the courage to tell me that you liked me? I did not have the courage either and I'm terribly disappointed in myself. It has been a long time since I have last seen you and I don't understand why I am still thinking about you. Why did I pour my heart into a journal saying how much I loved you? I guess it wasn't love because we really lacked communication. Plus, there were things holding us back and it would really have never worked out.

I am proud of you for achieving straight A's so far in your first yearof high school. I have a feeling that you like me but for some reason, I just can't fall in love with you. I really like you as a friend, though I love that you're so easy-going and sweet, have a great sense of humor, and make me laugh. You're a really nice person and I enjoyed working with you on our project in seventh grade. We made a great team because the teacher loved ours.

Laugh as much as you breathe
and love as long as you live

Last edited by Berries and Cream; October 12th 2010 at 05:04 AM.
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