Thread: I'm Pregnant.
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dejaentendu0 Offline
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Re: I'm Pregnant. - November 28th 2010, 05:29 PM

So much for support. He just broke up with me.
Well, I'm with everyone on TH with the fact that he should be aware of the pregnancy and what you intend to do. You said he supported you earlier... These things happen though. I was in the same boat... Brandon supported me through the abortion and two months after, we broke up because of it. He ended up not being able to deal with it and that being the issue.
Are you guys talking at all? Did he tell you the reasons for the break up? I know that for awhile, Brandon didn't want to get back together with me; he kind of blocked all his feelings out... but it's been three months apart from each other and we're finally working things out together.

If you want to see if you can reconcile things with him, I'd talk to him and see what he has to say about how he feels and why he made this decision. Give him time to accept what you told him and what's happening - it seems rushed of him to do this, especially when he gave you his full support earlier. After he has awhile to accept it, you could maybe see if he'll try to work though the grieving or try some sort of counseling.
I had to badger Brandon about counseling for three months, but he's finally willing to try and do it one on one, using that workbook that I provided a link for in my first post. It honestly helped me and you have to realize that it's hard for the man as well... It affects them and it's similar, but different from how women feel. Some places have post-abortion counseling specifically for the men because there is a difference in grieving and feelings for them.
I'd just give him time to come around to what all is happening and if you want him back, talk to him after that... see if you can't ease back into the relationship.

If it's abortion-related, what me and Brandon have found to help is to remind ourselves WHY we couldn't have our kid. We tell ourselves that I wouldn't have been able to graduate high school and go to college, we wouldn't have any money to move into an apartment together next year, etc, etc. And then we remind ourselves that that's why we gave it up and we'll correct those problems and when those issues are resolved, we'll have one that will have the life it deserves. It tends to keep us sane and reminds us that we did make the best decision...

Last edited by dejaentendu0; November 28th 2010 at 05:36 PM.
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