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skydivers-in-reverse Offline
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Name: Jessica
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Location: Estados Unidos

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Join Date: October 8th 2010

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 17th 2010, 03:22 AM

Please take a hint. I'm not going to be sucked into your black hole of general stupidity. When you call me over and over and over again like that, I can't help but wonder if you're either completely insane or completely ignorant? How many months of me ignoring your calls will it take for you to get it through your head? You've used me, you've talked about me behind my back, you've gotten angry at me for having my own opinion - - then you turn around and pretend to be my friend?

It's not going to fly. You might be content to work a part-time, dead-end, minimum-wage job and not look for anything or any place better. But I'm not. I'm not going to leech off my parents when I'm your age, I'm not going to simply "be content" with my life. And fuck no, I'm not going to be your goddamn look out while you shoplift, all the while claiming that you're broke and it's okay because of that - - try working more than 10 hours a week, maybe?

You walk around with this huge inflated ego and bad-ass attitude, but I can see right through it. You are so scared, you are scared of going anywhere new, meeting anyone new, you are not what you think. You are boring and un-adventerous.

We could still be friends if you didn't try to take me down with you. I'm not going to take your shit like everyone else does, so don't be surprised when I leave this January - - because I'm severing every stupid, meaningless, destructive friendship I've had. You included.

Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions
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