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fullofsecrets Offline
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Alcohol - Is this legal? - January 22nd 2011, 03:17 AM

So my roommates are 24 and 22 and they bring alcohol into the apartment and get drunk even though I'm only 19. (I live in the US so alcohol under 21 is illegal.) I've asked them to stop or take the party elsewhere but they refuse. I have to get up for work in the morning but they just will not stop. I want to call the apartment courtesy officer but I'm worried that if I call and they see the alcohol they'll get arrested because I'm a minor.

Does anyone know if having alcohol in the same apartment as a minor is an illegal offense?

**I should also mention my apartment complex has a no alcohol policy.

Last edited by fullofsecrets; January 22nd 2011 at 04:01 AM.