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Re: Worried about being pregnant - February 20th 2009, 11:24 PM

Thanks guys. I'm just worried that if I spend all the money on a test and it is too soon to test, it'll be a waste. You're right - it does seem too early to have symptoms. I might just be thinking about it too much and it's gotten to my head.

I have 2 questions though --1) All day long I've been having this sharp pain in my lower right side. It's far worse than cramps. It's like a stabbing. It gets dull at times but never goes away. I was told I have ovarian cysts about 6 months ago, and I thought they'd since gone away seeing as I had not had much of a problem with them since 6 months ago. But today they hurt so bad I feel like crying. What could that possibly be? It just surprises me that randomly, it hurts all of a sudden when I've hardly ever had problems with it.
2) I started Zoloft (25 mg to start) 2 days ago. I've only token 2 pills so far. Should I stop taking it until I'm sure I'm not pregnant, or will it not hurt "the baby" if I continue taking it?

Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it.