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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Science, religion...thoughts - March 27th 2011, 06:23 AM

I'll respond more tomorrow because I am tired. I personally take Genesis to be literal, so yes, I do believe people lived hundreds of years. There's a whole chemistry and study about this from Christian scientists and historians of how this would be possible pre-flood. Notice that the years decline after the flood. There's science reasoning behind it. However, I personally just find it as being as simple as this: If God can make the Universe out of nothing, if Christ cured crippled, if Christ rose from the dead, etc. There's nothing that's necessarily absurd as long as you have God. But if these things happened naturally,without God, yes, they'd be quite weird. Anyways I'm tired so I'll respond tomorrow. I have about 12 hours of sleep under my belt this past week...

"Daniel broke the kings decree, Peter stepped from the ship to the sea, there was hope for Job like a cut down tree... I hope that there's such hope for me... Blind as I've become, I used to wonder where you were. These days I can't find where You're not. Mine's been a yard carefully surface tended, foxes burrowed underground. Gardening so highly self-recommended, what could I have done but let You down? The sun and the moon, I want to see both worlds as one." -Aaron Weiss, mewithoutYou