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John 6:29 Offline
Romans 2:6-8
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Re: Science, religion...thoughts - March 27th 2011, 05:52 PM

In regards to the chance argument (and I'm a Christian), it doesn't work. Yes, the liklihood of us existing by "chance" is rare, but if God created us, He would have to be equally as rare as Hos creation to be that intelligent to create it all. Not only that, if we assume that big bangs happen elsewhere, and are not limited to our universe, then the probability of us existing is not that rare at all. Simply, we're just one of the lucky ones who won the lotto, whilst there are other "lucky" universes elsewhere.

"Daniel broke the kings decree, Peter stepped from the ship to the sea, there was hope for Job like a cut down tree... I hope that there's such hope for me... Blind as I've become, I used to wonder where you were. These days I can't find where You're not. Mine's been a yard carefully surface tended, foxes burrowed underground. Gardening so highly self-recommended, what could I have done but let You down? The sun and the moon, I want to see both worlds as one." -Aaron Weiss, mewithoutYou