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Head Jimmie Rustler
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Name: Guile
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Re: Science, religion...thoughts - March 29th 2011, 06:52 AM

I believe in science and God.

I think God exists as God, but shows himself in the math. I believe the order in the universe is devised by him. God created the universe with set laws and limits, of which he obeys. Just because he is God, doesn't mean he just creates out of thin air. I think he wants us to understand the worlds around us, and knowing our universe is the best way to know God. Which is why there was a big bang, he created the universe, through logic we could one day understand and use to advance our species beyond human, the singularity.

As such, I am a major supporter of space exploration, and of scientific research. I think that, as humans, our goal is to eventually transcend our bodies, and reach immortality through science (which at the same time if the physical manifestation of God).

I'm a Christian, I believe in God, and Jesus, but I also think that faith and science aren't polar opposites.

Also, about Genesis, I think by "day" it meant "age", as the order of Genesis is how it would have most likely happened (the formation of Earth, that is), and that it has been misread. I also believe that by the Sabbath being the time for rest, means that God is resting, he has given us free will, and will return when we have breached the "human" threshold.

Hope I made sense to you all.

Space Flight Awards

Geosynchronous Orbit (Kerbin)
Manned Capsule and return (Kerbin)
Space Station and Docking (Kerbin)
Equatorial/Polar Probe (Mun)
Landing Resulting in the Loss of a Kerbanaut (Mun)

Last edited by Guile; March 29th 2011 at 07:00 AM.