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Brandon Offline
I can't get enough
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Name: Brandon
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Re: Erection Problems, - June 24th 2011, 03:40 PM

What you're experiencing is perfectly normal. I think every guy worries about not being able to "get it up" at some point in their lives. Getting an erection isn't just physical, but mostly psychological. If you're not feeling good, then ejaculating, let alone maintaining an erection for a certain period of time, will be extremely difficult (if not impossible). You need to solve your problems with your ex girlfriend, and you need to find something that makes you feel good without the awkward effort into watching pornography. This is a problem that you work from the inside out, not the outside in.

As far as having problems in the bedroom, don't worry about that until it happens. When it does, it could be awkward, but if you solve your psychological problems first, I'm pretty sure it won't be as bad as you think. We've all been there man, just keep your spirits up and focus on your internal issues first. After that, I'm sure every other problem will take care of itself when you experience getting laid. Good luck!

And I'm pretty sure the next 10-15 people who post will agree with me, or say the same exact information. Remember: Inside out, not outside in.