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Name: Cassandra
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - September 26th 2011, 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by leavemealone View Post
We have a way of looking deeper into situations. Its not exactly difficult to read a guy. They stare at your boobs, you know they're thinking about sex. As for reading girls, we change our mind a lot on things, so sometimes even we don't know whats going on in our heads. If your really curious, as her what shes thinking. She wants you to. Never in a billion years will a girl say no to you asking that
This really isn't true. I think more deeply than most girls I know in real life and I don't think thinking deeply is a matter of gender, but rather of maturity and experience, as well as intelligence. I think you should also not assume you know what a guy is thinking, because it tends to be a lot more complex than you assume, and I know that for myself at least, when I look at boobs I'm not even thinking about sex all the time, sometimes I'm just admiring beauty, though I don't really focus on the boobs at all, rather the face.

Now to the question;

The thing is, no one is the same. Like, I'm a guy, but I certainly hardly ever actually tell people the truth about how I feel most of the time, at least in real life. In contrast, I know many girls who are blunt spoken and will tell you exactly how they feel. This can cause problems when guys assume they are saying the opposite and it can start fights. The truth is, you just have to figure out how the person is on each occasion. Don't generalise and assume all girls are hard to figure out, you just don't have much experience yet. In regards to them figuring you out easily, you just might be a really expressive person. Or really obvious.
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