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semiunbalanced Offline
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Name: Kimmi
Age: 30
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Location: California

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Join Date: June 25th 2011

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 9th 2011, 04:53 AM

You are a flat out, lying bitch I can't even believe you'd do this to me! "Oh we'll be best friends forever! For the rest of our lives!" and then you turn around and tell your boyfriend that you have to get to our best friend's Birthday party BEFORE me so you can prove that you're a better friend. Showing up early doesn't make you a better fucking friend you idiot!! I'm so sick of your lying shit!! You are so dramatic!! You're in freaking COLLEGE. Why can't we all just get along and do what we have to do in life? Why is everything a competition? You don't have to one-up me in everything I do. It doesn't matter who goes to Disneyland with her more or who shows up earlier. It doesn't matter who texts her or IMs her more. And you know what? I was the best friend to you AND to her. I was kind, compassionate, and loving throughout it ALL. I got in trouble several times because I wanted to help YOU out. And then you throw me in the dust. What is WRONG with you? Do you even care about anybody else's feelings besides your own? You just want to be better than everybody else and live in your little High School life and that's FINE just leave me out of it! And if you don't want to be my friend just freaking TELL me instead of lying about it! You use me for EVERYTHING and I know you're lying through your teeth and you just don't care!!

And to you. Wow. Really? Because roughly 9 months ago I had some sort of feelings for you, you now are still under the assumption that I am in LOVE with you and that we can't hang out anymore because you feel awkward. Guess what? I'm in a relationship with somebody I love now. SO KNOCK IT OFF! All I ever wanted to do was be a friend to you. I was up countless nights and truth be told, I'd be 200bucks richer if it weren't for you! You drive me NUTS. We've been through the world together and you've practically dropped me. Not to mention you're EXTREMELY immature. I CAN'T STAND IT. GROW THE FUCK UP.

Both of you need to get over yourselves. I'm so done with you guys. I can't even freaking breathe half the time. I just want to delete you guys off Facebook and you get the fuck out of my life. I can't do this anymore. YOU GUYS ARE AWFUL PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GROW UP. I am going to say this all to your face one day. I swear.
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